« Previous ItemNext Item » Recipe Carrot Cake ContributorRose OvianSubjectSift together & set aside:2 cups flour1 1/2 tsp. baking soda1 tsp. salt2 tsp. baking powder2 tsp. cinnamonCombine and beat thoroughly:2 cups sugar1 1/3 cups of oilBeat into oil mixture:4 eggs, one at a timeAdd dry ingredients gradually and blendAdd:2 cups grated carrots1/2 cup nuts (optional)Cream Cheese Frosting:1 8oz. pkg. cream cheese1 stick butter or margarine1 pound confectioner's sugar1 tsp vanillaThis makes a lot of frosting. I freeze what's left.Meal TypeDessertsCuisineAll Recipes Collection Ovian/Megerdichian Citation “Carrot Cake,” Armenians of Whitinsville, accessed March 10, 2025, https://armeniansofwhitinsville.org/items/show/1189. Email This Recipe Print This Recipe Comments Your name Website Email (required) Comment Allowed tags: <p>, <a>, <em>, <strong>, <ul>, <ol>, <li> Please verify you're a human