Slowly melt ¾ lb butter
Remove tops scum out bottom of pan. Use clear melted butter Salt 2 ¾ cups sifted flour
1 tbsp olive oil
½ cup or little less water cold
Mix – add little water and knead as far as dough shape into small balls (6). Place balls into pie pan lined with cloth under and cover balls and let stand for 1 hr. Roll out balls to about 6 inches and arrange into 2 piles. Butter between each layer let stand another hour.
Monterey Jack cheese
Slice cheese and chop parsley.
Open first pile, cut into shape of pan and butter. Put edge in pan. Butter spread cheese and parsley on top pf first layer or pile. Open last pile and put on top buttering between layers.
Bake 375 degrees ½ hour.
Edna Kaprebian, “Edna's Buerag,” Armenians of Whitinsville, accessed January 22, 2025,