Query Results Name Index: "Hampartzoomian Mardiros" Sort by: Title Creator Date The Whitin Spindle, May, 1963 Whitin Machine Works 1963-05-01 The Whitin Spindle, November, December, 1962 Whitin Machine Works 1962-11-01 The Whitin Spindle, November, December, 1961 Whitin Machine Works 1961-11-01 The Whitin Spindle, September, October, 1960 Whitin Machine Works 1960-09-01 The Whitin Spindle, May, June, 1959 Whitin Machine Works 1959-05-01 The Whitin Spindle, June, 1957 Whitin Machine Works 1957-06-01 The Whitin Machine Works, June, 1956 Whitin Machine Works 1956-06-01 The Whitin Spindle, June, 1955 Whitin Machine Works 1955-06-01 The Whitin Spindle, June, 1954 Whitin Machine Works 1954-06-01 The Whitin Spindle, April, 1953 Whitin Machine Works 1953-04-01 The Whitin Spindle, October, 1950 Whitin Machine Works 1950-10-01 The Whitin Spindle, 1920, Vol. 1, No. 9 Whitin Machine Works 1920-04-01